Post-Wildfire Recovery Through Principles of Engineering with Nature Cover Photo

The Restoration of Santa Clara Canyon

This is the story of the Santa Clara Creek Watershed that serves as the primary water source, cultural identity, and spiritual sanctuary to the Pueblo of Santa Clara. Since 1998, three large wildfires impacted Santa Clara Creek, resulting in largely denuded slopes, exposed soils gave way, and leading to large-scale catastrophic flooding. In the wake …

podcast episode 4: Zander Evans

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 4: The Shifting Role of the Forest Stewards Guild in an Era of Megafires, with Zander Evans

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to episode four of our Fire in the Southwest Series, supported by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium as well as the Arizona Wildfire Initiative! Today’s guest, Zander Evans, is the executive director of the Forest Stewards Guild, which has a mission of promoting ecologically-, economically-, and socially-responsible forestry as a means of sustaining the integrity of …

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 1: Southwest Fire Regimes and Post-Fire Community Support with Mary Stuever

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to the first part of our six-episode series all about the Southwest, sponsored by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and the Arizona Wildfire Initiative! In our introductory episode for the series, we spoke with Mary Stuever, who is the Cimarron District Forester for New Mexico State Forestry. Mary has a breadth of …

Post-Wildfire Recovery Through Principles of Engineering with Nature Cover Photo

Post-Wildfire Recovery Through The Principles of Engineering with Nature

In a nutshell: Following a severe wildfire, recovery efforts can benefit from using “Engineering With Nature” principles to utilize existing materials on the landscape for slope stabilization, erosion control, and stream restoration. Learn about the successes and lessons learned with these techniques in Santa Clara Canyon, NM after the destructive Las Conchas Fire. Recorded on: …

A group of people stands at a lookout point gazing into the fire footprint. They see many burned trees and the vegetation greening up.

Hermit’s Peak Calf Canyon Fire: One Year Later

The Hermit’s Peak Calf Canyon Fire was a devastating event for New Mexico. Many communities were affected, and while this fire was unique, it will not be for long. Climate change and the effects of a century of fire exclusion mean that fires like this one are increasingly likely. We must understand what happened in …

A man in a baseball cap sits in a burned forest planting plants.

Increasing Post-Wildfire Planted Seedling Survival

In a nutshell: Tips for planting trees after severe fire in the Southwest, we learn how microclimates, nurse plants, and biochar impact survival of seedlings. We also learn how these techniques can be scaled-up to improve replanting efforts across an entire landscape. Description: Across the southwestern United States, high-severity wildfire is resulting in increasingly large …

A smoke plume coming up on the east side of a peak.

Public Experiences and Perceptions with Wildfire and Flooding, A Case Study of the 2019 Museum Fire

Description: The greater Flagstaff area in northern Arizona has experienced multiple wildfires in recent years that have resulted in post-wildfire flooding. These events galvanized collaborative efforts to reduce hazardous fuels on steep slopes and implement flood mitigation improvements around the city and in the municipal watershed. In this presentation, the 2019 Museum Fire provides a …