Silver Fire smoke

November 2014: Wildland Fire Smoke in the Air- What does it mean to me?

Thank you to all those who attended, making it a successful workshop! Due to videographer limitations, we were not able to record all of the presentations during concurrent sessions. November 6-8, 2014 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Program available here Click here to watch the associated webinar: “Smoke Forecasting Tools: A Case Study in Air Quality” …

May 18, 2011: Fuels Treatment Practices for Mixed Conifer Forests in the Southwest

Presenter: Alexander Evans (Forest Guild) The webinar covered the guide’s definition of mixed conifer, past land use and management activities, fire regimes and historic conditions, and impact of altered fire regimes in mixed conifer forests of the southwest. Since Euro-American settlement, many mixed conifer forests have become more homogeneous and can therefore facilitate larger, higher-severity …