Group of people look into a cloud of smoke

Human Causes and Human Consequences of Wildfires in the Western United States

In a nutshell: Three webinars over three days explore conditions that contribute to wildfire ignitions, how preparation and response need to be tailored to fit the affected community, and how red flag warnings help reduce fire ignitions. Interdisciplinary understanding and prediction of wildfires Presenters: Mojtaba Sadegh, Boise State University; Karen Short, USDA Forest Service Understanding …

Sean Parker, June 2020

Fire in the Sonoran Desert

The expansion of the grass-fire cycle in the deserts of North America is driving ecosystem level transformation from patchy desert scrub to invasive grassland. A novel fire regime in the Sonoran Desert is forcing a new approach to land management. Unprecedented large-scale fires in recent years, especially in 2005 and 2020, have been driven by …

Fuel Breaks for the Sonoran Desert

In February 2024, the Southwest Fire Science Consortium led a field trip in central Arizona to learn more about the dynamics between wildfire and invasive species in the Sonoran Desert. The field trip was focused on improving our collective understanding of how invasive grasses and forbs have altered the fire conditions in the Sonoran Desert …

TFPA and 638 Authority Webinar Cover Photo

A Primer on Tribal Forest Protection Act and 638 Authority

In a nutshell: This presentation offers information on the history and basics and presenter experience with two cross-boundary agreement tools available to Federally Registered Native American Tribes, the Tribal Forest Protection Act and 638 Authority. This sets the stage for a workshop on the same topic at the October 2024 Arizona Tribal Fire and Climate …

podcast episode 4: Zander Evans

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 4: The Shifting Role of the Forest Stewards Guild in an Era of Megafires, with Zander Evans

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to episode four of our Fire in the Southwest Series, supported by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium as well as the Arizona Wildfire Initiative! Today’s guest, Zander Evans, is the executive director of the Forest Stewards Guild, which has a mission of promoting ecologically-, economically-, and socially-responsible forestry as a means of sustaining the integrity of …

Fire in the Southwest Series, Ep. 3: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Western Fire Management with Jon Martin

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 3: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Western Fire Management with Jon Martin

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to our third episode of our Fire in the Southwest series! In this episode, we spoke with Jon Martin, who is the Director of Native American Forest and Rangeland Management Programming at the Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona University. Jon spent three decades working in forestry before retiring, and now uses his extensive …

Fire in the Southwest Series Ep. 1: Southwest Fire Regimes and Post-Fire Community Support with Mary Stuever

EPISODE SUMMARY Welcome to the first part of our six-episode series all about the Southwest, sponsored by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and the Arizona Wildfire Initiative! In our introductory episode for the series, we spoke with Mary Stuever, who is the Cimarron District Forester for New Mexico State Forestry. Mary has a breadth of …

Wildlife and Fire Webinar 3 Cover Photo

Wildlife and Fire: Improving Habitat Management Through Monitoring and Adaptation

In a nutshell: Panelists discuss a variety of topics related to the impact of climate change, fire, and associated stressors on wildlife habitat management. Join us for research reviews, case studies, and stories about emerging monitoring technologies, management frameworks, and holistic approaches to wildlife biology to advance our understanding of fire and wildlife and improve …

Wildlife and Fire Webinar 2 Cover Photo

Wildlife and Fire: From Borders to Biota, Monitoring at Multiple Scales

In a nutshell: Panelists discuss a variety of topics related to wildlife and habitat monitoring at the intersection of fauna and environmental disturbances such as fire. Join us for research reviews, case studies, and stories about existing collaborations and technologies – and collaborative and technological gaps – to advance our understanding of fire and wildlife …

Wildlife and Fire Series

In January, the Southwest Fire Science Consortium, USDA Forest Service, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, and many other partners hosted a two-day workshop on the intersection of wildlife and fire. Based on the needs identified in the workshop, this collaborative group is hosting a yearlong series of workshops, webinars, and reports to improve wildlife outcomes …