Can landscape fuel treatments enhance both protection and resource management objectives?

Date: September 14, 2021 11am AZ/12pm MDTPresenter: Kevin Vogler, Pyrologix LLC, Missoula Montana Land management agencies in the U.S. Departments of Interior and Agriculture can potentially accomplish ecological resource management objectives using unplanned wildfires, but only if such fires do not otherwise threaten to damage valuable resources and assets. Landscape-scale fuel treatments have been proposed …

2020 SW Wildfire Season Overview

by M. Lynch and A. Evans. In 2020, wildfire burned 1,068,373 acres in the Southwest (Arizona and New Mexico), which is greater than the average number of acres burned annually in these two states over the previous ten-year period.” Arizona had significantly more wildfire (929,522 acres) than its ten-year average (305,623 acres), while New Mexico …

Fire-weather Drivers of Severity and Spread: Example from Grand Canyon

Presenter: Stephanie Mueller, Northern Arizona UniversityDate: July 29, 2021 11am AZ / 12pm MDT Fire is an essential component in restoring and maintaining a healthy forest. However, historic land use and decades of fire suppression has excluded fire from millions of forested hectares across much of the western United States, including the Grand Canyon National …

Transboundary Management & Fire Regimes of Bi-National Sky Islands

Presenter: Miguel Villarreal, Western Geographic Science Center, USGSDate: July 20, 2021 11am AZ/12pm MDT In this webinar I will share results of a recent study of contemporary fire regimes over a 32-year period (1985-2017) in the Madrean Sky Islands of the U.S. and México. Our research team evaluated the size, severity and return interval of …

The Fire x Post-Fire Double Double Emergency

Date: Wednesday February 10, 2021 2:30-4pm Mountain Time This webinar brings together a panel of postfire response experts to reflect on their experiences in addressing community needs during recent large fires. The discussion highlighted important differences in fire and postfire response on federal and non-federal lands, and a consideration of existing tools and policies and …

Mitigating Postfire Runoff and Erosion

Wildfires in the southwestern US are getting larger, more frequent, and more severe due to changing climatic conditions like rising temperatures and prolonged drought (Singleton et al. 2018, Mueller et al. 2020). Catastrophic wildfire events directly impact communities, ecosystems, and cultural resources—and can pose continuing hazards long after the fire is extinguished. Flooding and erosion …

Potential Operational Delineations (PODs)

Presenters: Jamie Long, Kit O’Connor, USDA Forest Service and Mike Caggiano, Colorado Forest Restoration InstituteDate: November 19, 2020 12pm Mountain Time This will be the first in our new series to feature “Science in Management Spotlight,” the goal of which is to highlight active use of science in a management setting. Let us know if …

Policy Change & Wildland Fire Management

Date: October 22, 2020 11am AZ/12pm MDTPresenter: Jesse Young, Post-Doctoral Scholar, Northern Arizona University In 2009, new guidance for wildland fire management in the United States expanded the range of strategic options for managers working to reduce the threat of high-severity wildland fire, improve forest health and respond to a changing climate. Markedly, the new …

Fire in the West 2020

Hot and Dry Podcast Series EPISODE SUMMARY In our last episode of the season we process out loud the fire season that is 2020. We hear from folks directly impacted and talk to a certified climate expert to learn how climate change is (or isn’t) causing the fires on the west coast. EPISODE NOTES Cally …

A fire fighter with a large pack, helmet & yellow jacket works on a fire.

Fighting for Firefighter Safety

Research to Implementation: A JFSP Success Story Wildfires are getting larger and more frequent across the Western U.S., which means more and more firefighters are being mobilized into action. Firefighters are constantly exposed to hazardous conditions while performing their jobs and safety is critical in such volatile and dynamic environments. The Joint Fire Science Program …